Create, Edit, and Share a Bookshelf

Bookshelves are a great way to organize your books. You can also edit and rename your bookshelves, as well as share them with your teachers.

If you want to jump to a section, use the links below:

Access Bookshelves

Create a Bookshelf

Add Resources to your Bookshelf

Edit a Bookshelf

View a Shared Bookshelf

Share a Bookshelf with a Teacher


Access Bookshelves

You can access bookshelves by using the Bookshelves button and going to the Bookshelves page.

Create a Bookshelf

To create a new bookshelf, follow the steps below:

  1. Use the Bookshelves button.
  2. Use the Create New Bookshelf button.
  3. Type the name of the bookshelf in the text box below.
  4. The Bookshelf appears in the My Bookshelves section. You can switch between bookshelves by using the arrow icon next to your current bookshelf.


Bookshelf blocks are listed in alphabetical order.

Add resources to a bookshelf

You can add resources by using the Add Resources button in the My Bookshelves.

You can then add resources to a bookshelf by using the Resource Options modal.

  1. Find the resource you want to add to the bookshelf.
  2. Click the More Options icon on the resource thumbnail. The Resource Options modal appears.
  3. Select the Add to Bookshelf dropdown.
  4. Select a bookshelf from the dropdown and select the Save button to add your resource. If you’d like to create a new bookshelf and add your resource to it, just select Save and your resource will be added to a new bookshelf with a default name. If you want to name the new bookshelf, type the name in the text field.

Drag a resource to the Bookshelves icon to add it to an existing bookshelf or create a new bookshelf to add it to. You can also select more than one resource at a time by selecting the check mark at the top left of the thumbnail.

Edit a bookshelf

You can change a bookshelf name, remove resources, or delete bookshelves by going to the Bookshelves page and clicking on the icon in the bookshelf next to its title.

Edit a bookshelf name

  1. Find a bookshelf and click the More Options icon.

  2. Select the Rename icon and change the bookshelf name in the text box.

Delete a bookshelf

  1. Find a bookshelf and click the More Options icon.

  2. Make sure you have selected the correct bookshelf before deleting.

  3. Select Delete Bookshelf below the bookshelf name.

Deleted bookshelves cannot be restored.

Remove resources from a bookshelf

A resource with the preview and remove from bookshelf buttons under it

  1. Find a resource on your bookshelf.

  2. Click the More Options icon on a book. The Resource Options modal appears.

  3. Click Remove from Bookshelf from the menu below the title. Note that if you are trying to remove a customization from a bookshelf, the Remove from Bookshelf option will be under the Customization resource title on the right.

View a Shared Bookshelf

You can view a bookshelf that has been shared with you by selecting the Shared with Me button. Toggle between shared bookshelves by using the arrow icon next to the bookshelf name.

Recently-shared bookshelves have an orange icon next to their names.

Share a Bookshelf with a Teacher

Share a bookshelf you have created with a teacher by following these steps:

  1. Select the Share with Teacher button.

  1. Choose a teacher from the dropdown menu and select Save to share your selected bookshelf.

You’ll see a message telling you that you’ve shared your bookshelf.


Last Updated: January 06, 2025